What is Massage Therapy
If you feel tired, uncomfortable, experiencing body aches and pains? maybe you need a massage to refresh your body to take it back to normal. Everyone loves a gentle massage but, not too many people know much about what massage therapy is. Massage therapy is an appropriate relaxation tool to relieve fatigue from all day activities. Massage therapy can relieve symptoms of certain diseases. Massage is a general term for activities that apply pressure on the the body especially the skin, muscles, and tendons with certain techniques. Nowadays, massage therapy is available from expensive spas, hospitals, malls, and massage services from professionals that can be hired privately. Even in shopping centers, you can enjoy massage services with therapist’s tools or assistance at affordable prices. All that is required from you is to stay cam and relaxed while the therapists do their job. If you have certain condition, you can consult your doctor before receiving a massage.
At Aktive Motion Physical therapy in Naples, FL we provide top of the line massage therapy by manipulating our patients’ soft tissues manually to enhance their wellness and their health, so schedule an appointment with us for all your physical therapy needs in Naples, FL or call us at 239-280-0368.
What is Work-Related Injury
Any job you do has its own risks, and unfortunately some of those risks cannot be avoided. Taking a job means you are aware of the risks attached to such job, including work-related injury. If you experience an injury because of your work, then you need to know about work-related injuries. This includes all injuries that arise as a result of an accident, work intensity, or because of a direct assignment given to you. Injury in the workplace is not only limited to physical harm, but includes also psychological harm. Even in some cases, psychological trauma can hunt workers for the rest of their lives. If the worker is injured due to work or post-work conditions, they are entitled to workers compensation in most work places. Most states require that the worker use worker’s compensation insurance before their health insurance, so if you are injured from work activities please report it to your supervisor immediately and contact human resources.
At Aktive Motion Physical therapy in Naples, FL we provide care for patients with work related injuries. schedule an appointment with us for all your physical therapy needs in Naples, FL or call us at 239-280-0368.
What is Auto Injury
Traffic collision and car accidents are two common causes of auto injury. When someone gets into a car accident, many times their injuries are to the head and/or spine, especially for passengers sitting in the front seat. The main reason is because they will experience a direct impact from hitting the steering wheel, dashboard or glass. Head injuries can cause traumatic brain injuries that can be fatal if not treated immediately. Other common injuries include bone fractures, visual disorder, loss of hearing, internal bleeding, skull fractures, whiplash, spinal cord damage and more. In conclusion, when you get into a car accident always seek help as soon as possible.
At Aktive Motion Physical therapy we provide care and treatment for patients with injuries from car accidents to help minimize their pain, and to promote a fast recovery, so schedule an appointment with us for all your physical therapy needs in Naples, FL or call us at 239-280-0368.
What Is Personal Training
There are a lot of benefits from receiving personal training. Some people receive personal training for different reasons; some for weight loss, others for athletic purposes. Because of all the benefits attached to personal training there are also some dangers when poorly performed, and that’s why personal trainers exist. Personal trainers will create a training program for you to help you reach your fitness goal, and they will also guide you throughout the process of reaching your goal. Sometimes they’ll adjust the program as you work towards it. To succeed in reaching your personal training goals you have to follow the program, and you also have to be disciplined in order to achieve desired body weight and body shape. Although you can choose to hire a personal trainer, doing it yourself is also a choice for the ones who are experienced. Also think about the dangers of doing it all alone if you’re not experienced.
What Is Post Surgical Rehabilitation?
Surgery is one of the important medical procedures to heal a disease or injury. However, surgery also leaves side effects that do not go away on their own. After surgery, especially on vital organs, you will receive some important recommendations from the surgeon that you must do at home to recover from the post-surgical effects and help speed up the recovery process. Therefore, post-surgical medical rehabilitation is a series of procedures and therapy sessions that must be carried out by the patients after surgery. All procedures and therapy sessions should be laid out by a a specialist in medical rehabilitation. The recovery process after surgery usually takes anywhere from about a few weeks to several months depending on the severity of the surgery. After undergoing this surgery you should expect that your daily activities will change.
What Is Neurological Deficiency
The brain controls all organs in the body, so any malfunction from the brain can disrupt the normal functions of the body as a whole. Neurological Deficiency are biological and electrical abnormalities found in the brain, and the effects can be seen in the way the body works. A decrease in a person’s brain ability can occur due to a disease, accidents, actions or habits. The older people get the more likely they are to develop a significant risks of Neurological Deficiency due to habits. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, good sleeping habits, regular checkups with their physicians will delay or help them discover potential deficiencies early on which will help them get treated faster.
At Aktive Motion Physical therapy we provide wellness classes for people with neurological deficits like Parkinson’s disease, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Balance disorders, so schedule an appointment with us for all your physical therapy needs in Naples, FL or call us at 239-280-0368.
What Is Fall Prevention
Fall prevention is a frequent topic that we get asked about. This topic is even more relevant in the older people and in facilities like hospitals/nursing homes. Risks of falling are a real threat for older people because of all the complications that can arise as a result of a fall. Even though it happens more in older people, risks of falling are a a concern for everyone. Results from a fall include but not limited to serious trauma, pain, bone fractures, paralysis and even death. Fall prevention represents guidelines and precaution that can be taken to prevent falls or to reduce the risks of it happening. Prevention is carried out based on what risk factors that can cause it such as neuromuscular, musculoskeletal factors, current illness, ongoing treatment, body balance and functional gait disorders, visual disorders. Environmental factors like unstable building, pollution, disasters are also conditions that can increase the likelihood of falls.
At Aktive Motion Physical therapy in Naples, FL we provide prevention training to individuals who are prone to injuries and those recovering with injuries. schedule an appointment with us for all your physical therapy needs in Naples, FL or call us at 239-280-0368.
What Is Athletic Training?
Athletic training plays an important role in training, managing, and preventing injuries in athletes. Athletic training consists of coordinated tasks that support motor and cognitive learning at once. Success in athletic training depends on the breakdown of the tasks to be done. That includes the tasks that must be made from basic coordinated abilities such as reaction power, rhythm, balance, place or space orientation. In conclusion we can see the notion of athletic training into all activities related to running, jumping and throwing that have special techniques and way. Athletes in all respected fields of sport work with athletic trainers to help them become better versions of themselves.
At Aktive Motion Physical therapy we provide high-class athletic performance training with the goal of improving functional movement that will support the athletic demands of different sports, so schedule an appointment with us for all your physical therapy needs in Naples, FL or call us at 239-280-0368.
At Aktive Motion Physical therapy we help clients rehearse different behaviors in a continuous manner with the main goal of mastering a specific craft. Whether it is for fun, amateur or professional settings our team of therapist are available to provide the sports training needed by our clients, so schedule an appointment with us for all your physical therapy needs in Naples, FL or call us at 239-280-0368.
What is Strength and Conditioning
Being a professional athlete is certainly not an easy thing. You must work towards maintaining a fit and healthy body in order to properly perform. Athletes must adjust and be ready for any condition that their sports may expose them to. The readiness and willingness of an athlete to take part in competitive sports is a sign of professionalism. Strength and conditioning is used to make tendons, muscles, and ligaments stronger to help prevent injuries while getting rid of physical imbalances. Another great benefit of strength and conditioning is promoting healthy bones to prevent bone decays and osteoporosis later on. Other great benefits include better posture, improved mood, powerful muscles, more energy and more. Continuous training will end up equipping trainees with stronger muscles and faster repetitions.
At Aktive Motion Physical therapy we use different methods to improve muscular strength, and we achieve this by increasing a client’s ability to resist force by using free weights, client’s own body weight, and other workout machines. Our training sessions consist of gradual weight training that stimulate the development of muscular strength, so schedule an appointment with us for all your physical therapy needs in Naples, FL or call us at 239-280-0368.